Honor Speedway “Winter Blowout” Cancelled

Honor Speedway Pueblo Colorado

Pueblo, Colorado (March 15, 2024) — Attention racers and fans, for those that might not have seen/watched my video from this morning, the “Winter Blowout” scheduled for tomorrow, March 16th, is officially cancelled due to the big snowstorm Mother Nature threw at us.

We’re looking at another hot lap day on Mar. 23rd. We’ll decide over the

A bunch of our staff will be attending Brian Parks parents 50th wedding anniversary on Mar. 23rd, so no plans to have a race that day. Major congratulations to them for their “Golden Anniversary”!

And there are several local competitors going to Rolling Plains Motor Speedway in Hays, KS on Mar. 28-30, to race the “Sunflower Classic”.

With all that information, our 2024 opener will now be scheduled for April 6th, the “Spring Bash”.

Hope everyone stays warm and dry for this weekend.

Author: Joe Starr

Photographer at Colorado National Speedway since 1981.